Choosing an agent is a decision that could ultimately cost or save you thousands of dollars. Keep in mind the individual you choose will be handling almost every maneuver in the biggest financial investment of your life. Experience, interests, and expertise vary from agent to agent, so align your own needs with the abilities of an appropriate representative.
- Your agent must be familiar with trends of the local market.
- A realtor should be able to lay out for you, in detail, a marketing plan to sell your home.
- A realtor should be able to indicate how s/he will support you through each step of the home-buying or selling process, offering you a unique system to suit your needs and goals.
- Check that your realtor will be available at each level of the sale; they should always be on hand to answer questions.
- Find out what other properties your realtor has sold in the area and find our what others have to say by reviewing testimonials and google reviews.
-Find out more about the market statistics for your area such as how long listings take to sell on average and the median sold price etc
- Find out more about your realtors philosophy/method of negotiation and how will you apply it when selling my home?
Your realtor should be able to articulate effective and informed negotiation tactics that demonstrate a commitment to securing the best price for you.
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